Abstract (opens new window) Abstract class for an event. BlockBase (opens new window) Abstract class for any event related to blocks. BlockChange (opens new window) Notifies listeners when some element of a block has changed (e.g. field values, comments, etc). BlockCreate (opens new window) Notifies listeners when a block (or connected stack of blocks) is created. BlockDelete (opens new window) Notifies listeners when a block (or connected stack of blocks) is deleted. BlockDrag (opens new window) Notifies listeners when a block is being manually dragged/dropped. BlockMove (opens new window) Notifies listeners when a block is moved. This could be from one connection to another, or from one location on the workspace to another. BubbleOpen (opens new window) Class for a bubble open event. Click (opens new window) Notifies listeners that ome blockly element was clicked. CommentBase (opens new window) Abstract class for a comment event. CommentChange (opens new window) Notifies listeners that the contents of a workspace comment has changed. CommentCreate (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a workspace comment was created. CommentDelete (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a workspace comment has been deleted. CommentMove (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a workspace comment has moved. FinishedLoading (opens new window) Notifies listeners when the workspace has finished deserializing from JSON/XML. MarkerMove (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a marker (used for keyboard navigation) has moved. Selected (opens new window) Class for a selected event. Notifies listeners that a new element has been selected. ThemeChange (opens new window) Notifies listeners that the workspace theme has changed. ToolboxItemSelect (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a toolbox item has been selected. TrashcanOpen (opens new window) Notifies listeners when the trashcan is opening or closing. Ui (opens new window) Class for a UI event. UiBase (opens new window) Base class for a UI event. UI events are events that don't need to be sent over the wire for multi-user editing to work (e.g. scrolling the workspace, zooming, opening toolbox categories). UI events do not undo or redo. VarBase (opens new window) Abstract class for a variable event. VarCreate (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a variable model has been created. VarDelete (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a variable model has been deleted. VarRename (opens new window) Notifies listeners that a variable model was renamed. ViewportChange (opens new window) Notifies listeners that the workspace surface's position or scale has changed. Does not notify when the workspace itself resizes.